AT Blog: Day 94 and 95

A Proper New York Deli Visit

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Day 94:

Start the day and pack up camp. It’s annoying dealing with sticks instead of steaks for my tent but hey at least I don’t have to pack them up. I eat a protein bar, breakfast essential and a couple of breakfast bars from the hotel.

I head out for the day around 8 AM. Today’s hike is from about 1420 to 1439.6. I plan to end at a road crossing with a deli/market nearby. The hike isn’t too bad today despite how rocky it is. I spend most of it finishing up an audio book I am listening to. Besides that there’s not too much of note. I only see two other people on trail, a day hiker the other a section hiker.

There is a state park with a concession stand off trail, but due to it being half a mile off trail I skip by it. There’s a nice shelter someone maintains on their property but I don’t stay there.

Eventually I make it to the end of my hike and to the market. I eat at Corrado’s Pizzaria and get a discounted large pizza due to a messed up order. Half of it is pepperoni and the other is black olives. Also Strider is there at the restaurant. He did a normal day yesterday but did a half day today and has been hanging out.

The pizzeria is pretty busy with patrons coming in and out, where the employees pretty much knows everyone by name and those they don’t are hikers. I chat with a family about the trail while they asked questions and talked some about their personal life’s. They were very kind and paid for my pizza for me.

In the end I set up camp behind the building in their field and enjoy an evening off.


The Malaysian food was pretty good!

Day 95:

I grab breakfast at the Stormville deli. They have a breakfast platter with eggs, bacon, home fries and a pancake. I thank them again for the great service then hit the road.

Today’s hike is from 1439.6 to 1460.1. I pass by Nuclear Lake, named after the old nuclear fuel expirements conducted nearby. Not to worry though as the land is clear of any dangerous materials. I keep hiking, the middle portion of the day is long and kinda boring without much to see.

With about 8 miles left in the day I make it to the Dover Oak, the largest oak tree right on trail on the AT. Additionally there’s some trail magic in the form of a soda from Barfight’s Husband. I heard her hiking the AT from Flipflop a few days ago. He takes my photo by the tree and we chat for a couple minutes before I head out.

Shortly after I make it to the AT train station, a short little platform that only operates on the weekends. If that was the case you can catch a ride straight to NYC. Shortly after the station is a garden center with some stuff for hikers and a couple of food trucks. The garden center is funny as its identical to any garden center you can think of… but at some point the owners realized so many hikers walked by their front door they started selling hiker stuff. I grab a protein bar and a Klondike bar (what would I do for a klondike bar? I would walk 1400 miles) and head out.

Only one food truck is operating when I arrive called DC Malaysian. I got this beef bowl with boiled eggs and rice and it filled me up. Additionally I had the Malaysian Iced Coffee for a little caffeine boost for the last 6 miles.

I head through the Prawling Nature Preserve and eventually make it to the Willey shelter for the night. Unfortunately it has no cables or bear boxes so I have to do my own hang, but besides that it’s a good spot. Tomorrow I cross into Connecticut.

Dover Oak

The largest oak tree on trail!