AT Blog: 75 and 76

Across the Mason Dixon Line

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Day 75:

Start at Raven Rocks and head out to go to high rock, one of the last viewpoints of Maryland. It used to be a hang glider launch area but now it has just a great view of the area. The downside is there’s a park road up to it and it’s surrounded with lots of graffiti that uglies up the area.

After that I enter into Pen Mar County Park with a view and bathroom, the true last stop before leaving Maryland.

I go across the Mason Dixon Line into Pennsylvania. They have some nice wooden signs at each road crossing to point out where the AT is and also which direction is north and south. I also run into Atlas who was at the shelter last nigh as she leaves for Damascus for trail days.

Get to rocky mountain shelter (20 miles) with extra time so I decide to head to Caldonia State campground 3 miles ahead with a nearby bbq restaurant. Unfortunately it’s one of those small places where when they run out of BBQ they close. So despite being around 6:30 it had closed for the day. I decide to have Uber eats for first time literally on trail and get Wendy’s, then camp outside the park boundary.

Day 76:

Today’s hike is 19.9 miles from 1085.5 to 1105.4. I start out at the campground, pack up my tent and head to the restrooms for the bathrooms and picnic table.

Once done with lunch I head up the hill to Quarry Shelter in about 3 miles. I chat on the phone with my mom about them visiting me in a week, and try to hammer those details out. I pass by the shelter to little fanfare as I climb the hill.

Today’s hike is relatively easy with just this 1000 foot climb then very gentle hills the rest of the day.

Next shelter had lots of people like Mr Freeze who did a northern section already, Trilium who I met in shanendoah and more people.

Trail magic at the next road crossing from couple from PA. Have to take a dump in a cat hole in the woods shortly after probably from Wendy’s yesterday lol.

I make it to the halfway marker for this year and sing the lyrics of Living on a prayer. The sign is nothing fancy just a little plaque they put up each year, as the trail has adjustments the sign moves. A mile or so later, I run into the fancy sign for 2011 halfway.

Make it to Ironmaster mansion at 4. I self check in and set my stuff down. The mansion is run down, but clean, there’s two bunkrooms and a single private room. The rest of the house is either private or lounges for hikers with some history of the place.

I head over to the general store, famous for its half gallon challenge. Considering my issues with my stomach two weeks ago, I choose not to do it. But it’s fun watching a hiker named Green Beard do it. Later Special Agent (who I last saw in North Carolina) shows up and I watch him and another hiker named Hard Left do it. Meanwhile I down two hearty burgers for a proper dinner.

The showers at the hostel weren’t great, their water pressure was less than my water filter. But besides that a warm bed is a bed, and I went to bed for the night.


The official halfway sign at 1098.7 miles.