AT Blog: 67 and 68

Heading Out of Shanendoah

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Day 67:

Start out at Byrds Nest 3, I’m up early sense I slept in the actual shelter. They said rain was likely but it looks like we didn’t get a drop.

I’m the fourth person to get going, a few of the others were hanging back as they were going back into town to ressupply.

Today’s plan is to hike 20 ish miles (941.5 to 961.5) this spits me beyond the Gravel Springs Hut, but I want to do extra miles today so I can ressupply.

The Big unfortunate thing about today’s hike is how I am passing a wayside then a camp store, but both are closed due to power issues. Besides that today has good views and a mostly clear sky keeps it great. The best is from the Hogback peaks, with various outcroppings to look out.

I stop by the Gravel Springs shelter for water, say hey to a few folk then head out. I climb up North Marshall mountain and go beyond it a bit (no camping allowed near the summit) and stealth camp for the night.

Day 68:

Starting at 962 ish, I wake up to a dry tent. The forecast called for rain in the morning but I have enough time to pack everything up before rains.

As I take down my food bag, the rain starts up proper. I had contacted a shuttle into town from “Smooth” and he is going to meet me at the US 522 crossing, about 11 miles away.

I get going, eventually crossing out of Shanendoah Park. I’ll miss the concrete mile markers, and the convenience of trail stores.

The terrain gets pretty rough getting down from the Blue Ridge, but I make it to the crossing around noon and get a ride into town. Smooth, my shuttle driver, helps me into town and we chat for a bit. I end up going to the Walmart as I needed some new headphones and then got my ressupply there.

Afterwards I went to the nearby Cracker Barrel and got a hearty breakfast for lunch with lots of protein and a couple pancakes. One thing I’m realizing is how it’s 50/50 on whether people know what the through hike is. My waitress didn’t know people did that. I expect to see more of that down the trail.

I get a ride back to the trail via Uber, and chat with my driver on the way back. I tell him some about the rules on trail, and the craziness of camping near Katahdin.

I hike a couple more miles to Jim and Molly shelter, to find it busy. There’s also a mom hiking with her two sons (age 9 and 7ish) and they were a riot. I think they liked having a guy who actually knew what a Nintendo Switch was. They were going on and on about the new Mario game and asked what my favorite Mario game is (Super Mario Galaxy of course) and they were telling me everything and asking a ton of questions.

I did notice it was kinda early for me to be stopping, it was just 5 PM, and the next shelter is just 5.5 miles ahead. I decided to head on as it would put me in a better spot for tomorrow. It was slower going but I did get to Manassas Gap Shelter with some daylight left and it had room in the shelter.

The only bear proof equipment it has is a bear pole. The pole is about 12 feet tall with hooks and a pole to put your bag on them. I don’t quite understand why they’re built instead of a bear box, but it’s better than hanging my own stuff.

Today’s trip was 21.1 miles from 962 to 983.1.

Ray's Rhino

The tree branch kinda looks like the head of a rhino.